Contact Points
Techniques are based on predefined contact points with Japanese names.
Positions are specific to each style, even though there is a lot of resemblance for a spectator, for the practitioner, the differences are very significant depending on the style.
There are also predefined postures and movements, all with Japanese names. Thus, by combining contact points, postures, and movements, we obtain karate techniques.

The techniques are well defined, also with Japanese names, and are then combined and repeated incessantly during karate training. When applying the techniques, the rhythm of the different muscle contractions is very important for effective technique application. Of course, this is a very brief summary of the techniques, a book would be needed to explain them properly.

Table of Katas
A Kata is a simulated combat against multiple opponentsKyu (Apprentice / student) You can start at any age | Dan (Mastery) | Experienced | Highly Experienced | |||||
Taikyoku Shodan Simplified kata | Heian Shodan Peace and serenity 1 | Tekki Shodan Iron rider 1 | Tekki Nidan Iron rider 2 | Tekki Sandan Iron rider 2 | Sochin Strength in stillness | Goju Shiho Dai 54 steps | blabla | blabla |
Taikyoku Nidan Simplified kata | Heian Nidan Peace and serenity 2 | Bassai Dai Storm the fortress | Bassai Sho Storm the fortress | Gankaku Crane on a rock | Meikyo Polish the mirror | Wankan King's crown | blabla | blabla |
Taikyoku Sandan Simplified kata | Heian Sandan Peace and serenity 3 | Empi Flight of the swallow | Kanku Sho Watch the sky | Niju Shiho 24 steps | Chinte Secret hand | blabla | blabla | |
Heian Yondan Peace and serenity 4 | Kanku Dai Watch the sky | Hangetsu Half Moon | Unsu Hands in the clouds | Goju Shiho Sho 54 steps | blabla | blabla | ||
Heian Godan Peace and serenity 5 | Jion Compassion and grace | Jitte 10 hands | Jiin Benevolence in the shadows | blabla | blabla |