Short introduction
Karate is a sport (空手道) or karate-dō, which is a Japanese martial art whose techniques aim to defend oneself, and then respond with a direct attack or counter-attack using various parts of the body such as fingers, open and closed hands, forearms, feet, elbows, and knees. Its origin comes from Okinawa, a Japanese island located southwest of Japan. Next year, it will become a provisional Olympic sport during the 32nd Olympiad in Tokyo.
There are 26 styles of karate including the Shotokan (the most famous), Wado-ryu, Shito-ryu, and Goju-ryu. More than 110 million people practice this sport. In Japanese, kara (空) means "empty," te (手) means "hand," and dō (道) means "the way." Therefore, karate-dō means "the way of the empty hand." Originally, karate was called kanjis (唐手), which originated in China. But due to the conflict between China and Japan, they called it karate.